
跟進郵件(follow-up email)在外貿跟進客戶和外企職場郵件溝通中很常用。想要提高跟進郵件的回覆率,這裡有兩個關鍵點:

Add value 增加價值

Give a clear next step 明確下一步



1。 Add value 增加價值

What value can you provide? 你能為對方提供什麼價值?

這個價值可以是經濟價值,比如給對方優惠價、折扣、或者免費樣品或試用的機會,也可以是資訊,e。g。 a case study, webinar, template, etc。


1)Offer an unbelievable deal


I have not yet received a reply to my latest letter, so here is another copy of the brochure that came with it。 Because I‘m offering an unbelievable deal, I wanted to give you every opportunity to respond in case my original correspondence failed to reach you。

2)Encourage repeat business


Some time ago you ordered products from us。 We miss your business and would like to serve your needs again。 That’s why we‘re offering you a special 20% discount on your next order。


We understand how busy you are and that you don’t have time to wade through your files。 So we‘ve included all the information you need for reordering。 You may fax, call, or mail your order。 Just let us know the item and the quantity you need。 Reordering online is now just a click away at our Website。

3)Launching new products


We’ve just launched [product name], and it could make a big difference to [element of prospect’s role]。 There’s a link to a resource that will tell you more just below, but it’d be great if we could also discuss your current needs so I can figure out exactly how [product name]might help you。

2。 Give a clear next step 明確你希望對方採取的下一步

這其實就對應著郵件最後的call to action,召喚對方採取行動。




Have you given any additional consideration to my proposal? I’d be happy to chat on the phone and answer any questions that may have come up。

What does your schedule look like this week to talk?


I’m writing to follow up on my email。 I didn’t hear back from anyone on the team。 If it makes sense to talk, let me know what your calendar looks like。

If not, who is the appropriate person for me to talk to?

Thanks for your help,



During our last meeting, we came to some preliminary decisions about working together。 I believe I have a good understanding of your needs and you have a clear view of my services。

Therefore, I am asking that we sign a simple Letter of Intent so we can move toward a final contract。 This letter would state your intent to contract with me and to make payments according to the schedule I described in my proposal to you。 Once we sign this Letter of Intent, I will begin to process the final contract。

I will call you at the end of this week to set up an appointment to sign the Letter of Intent。 I look forward to working with you。


Subject: Appreciate your time today, Steve!

Hi Steve,

Thanks for taking the time to share a little about Johnson Media, as well as the goals and challenges you face。

If you would like to learn how other companies are dealing with challenges like yours, I would be happy to schedule a call。 We could also talk a bit more about your challenges and determine whether or not I might be able to offer some help。

Are you available for a call next Tuesday at 1pm?

Thanks again for chatting today and I look forward to hearing from you!


