

The World‘s Highest-Dwelling Mammal Lives atop a Volcano


In 2013 two mountaineers reached the top of Volcán Llullaillaco, a 22,000-foot-tall volcano on the border of Chile and Argentina—when they saw something unexpected。 Just 2,000 feet below the summit, the climbers spotted a mouse scurrying across the snow。


“It’s really a remarkable sighting, because no one expected wild mammals to be living at an elevation of over 20,000 feet。 At that elevation, the scarcity of oxygen makes it really a challenging place to survive and function。 But also, the extreme cold。 It’s an extremely inhospitable environment。”


Jay Storz, an evolutionary biologist at the University of [Nebraska–Lincoln]。 The climbers reached out to Storz because he studies how animals adapt to high altitudes。 And he was so intrigued that he decided to make his own trip to survey the area。

Jay Storz是 [Nebraska–Lincoln]大學的一位進化生物學家。登山者們跑去這座火山,是因為他研究動物是如何適應高海拔地區的。他非常感興趣,他決定獨自調查這一區域。

Storz and his colleagues spent a month at Llullaillaco earlier this year, where they confirmed what the climbers saw。 They found mice everywhere, including on the summit—officially setting a new record for the world’s highest-dwelling mammal。


Storz says the summit sighting was fortuitous。 His climber partner, Mario Pérez Mamani, saw the mouse dive under a rock just as Storz made it to the top, exhausted and groggy from the thin air。 It took Storz a minute to gather his wits, but he eventually managed to catch the mouse with his hands。 Storz collected that mouse and others as museum specimens that will enable future scientific analysis。

Storz說到頂峰的景象很意外。他的登山同伴——Mario Pérez Mamani,看到,當Storz從稀薄的空氣中登上山頂時,看到老鼠從岩石下面潛入水中。這花了一分鐘讓Storz回過神來,但是他最終用手抓住老鼠。Storz收集的老鼠和其他老鼠作為博物館標本,用於未來科學分析。

They also recorded their encounter on video。 The report is in the

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences


Now that he’s home, Storz wants to understand how these mice can survive in such harsh conditions and, conversely, what prevents other animals from venturing so high。


“Clearly, the mice that are living at these extreme altitudes have physiological capacities that are very different from your typical rodent。”


He and his colleagues are comparing the genomes of the mice from Llullaillaco to their lowland relatives to see if they can identify the animal’s high-altitude adaptations。 And he’s curious whether they have evolved some of the same strategies as mice that live at high elevations in North America and the Himalayas。


Storz also wants to know how mice are finding food on top of a barren, rocky volcano, thousands of feet above the highest green plants。 On his next trip, he plans to analyze the stomach contents of the animals they capture。


“It’s really an open question whether most species—whether their elevational limit is set by physiological tolerance or just the lack of ecological opportunity。 It’s probably a combination of both。”


Whatever the answer, Storz suspects there may be more high-altitude animals out there than scientists thought。 It’s just a matter of climbing high enough to find them。
