

One of the ancient coins of the country。 It was cast in the Reign of Zhao Su, the emperor of the Northern Song Dynasty (1078 ~ 1085)。 Have small, fold two money and iron money。 There are seal script, running script, official script three kinds, each pair of money。 Typography is very complex, which on the back of xiaoping money, Xiaoping character seal character, official script is relatively rare, and iron money, which back “Shaanxi” is rare。 Another yuan-Feng heavy treasure for the great treasure, fold five light back, seal script spin read, for the sample of money not issued, only two exist, very precious。


The Song Dynasty was the heyday of economic, cultural, scientific and technological development in The history of China, and commerce was very developed, which promoted the song Dynasty coin to become the peak of coin casting development in the history of China。 The art of coin casting reached its peak in the Northern Song Dynasty, which combined the unique beauty of money and literature, the beauty of shape and quality, and the beauty of craftsmanship, and became an unsurmountable peak for future generations。 It will be pursued by the majority of investors。




The “Yuefeng Tong Bao” is 2。4cm in diameter and weighs 4g。 Coin front book “Yuan Feng Tong Bao” four words, outside the center of the round hole, light back, the edge is wider。


The coin in hundreds of years after the erosion of natural pulp, natural rust color, clear lines, money, wear wear。 Yuanfeng tong Bao qian calligraphy art superb, fine and neat production, lofty lofty atmosphere, for The Chinese coin second to none, handed down until now, both precious and rare, rare in the world, with great collection value。


In the history of Chinese coin, the Song Dynasty coin unique, because the song dynasty coin art is very strong, and this is true。 Use of money in circulation in the northern song dynasty period “candidates。if your TongBao”, so long time later, the old coin has become the history of China, is a very memorable treasures, and for this kind of non-renewable resources, has a very important position in the collection market, its collection value is self-evident。