





KISS原則(keep it short and simple!)


1。去掉任何多餘的內容。不言自明的內容不必寫,要相信你的讀者的智商。2。不要堆砌充分的表達方法,如’as is well known’, ‘it is generally accepted that’, ’in my personal opinion’, ’and so on and so forth’, ‘both from the point of view of A and from the point of view of B’。 3。不要浪費時間告訴讀者接下來你要說什麼,或者提醒讀者已經提過的內容,只說一次就夠,不要重複自己。4。文章精煉往往對讀者更有衝擊力,短句也有同樣的視覺衝擊作用,簡單講一句話20個單詞以內是比較合適的,超過20個單詞閱讀體驗就不好了。當然寫作時,長短搭配句子會給讀者提供更有趣的閱讀體驗。

簡單:英語中對同一事物有著豐富的表達方式,儘可能使用其中最簡單的表達方式。簡單描述不會讓你看起來讀書少沒文化,相反,它會讓你更具說服力。表達不清楚往往是因為你腦子裡本身不清楚。比如:’in the view of the fact that’就不如‘as’簡單直接;’with respect to’就不如’on’; ‘if this is not the case’不如‘if not’; ’within the framework of’不如‘under’。 簡單不囉嗦就是積極的溝通形式,反之就是消極溝通模式。舉個簡單的例子:

It is not uncommon for a good books to be a bad seller, so do not complain unless you are sure your book is a not a bad seller。

It is quite common for good books to be best seller, so complain only if your book is a good book with bad sales。


另外一個讓英文表達清晰的方法是用動詞主動語態(A dog chases a cat)描述,而不用被動語態陳述事實(A cat is chased by a dog。)舉個簡單的例子:

New regulations have been submitted by the local government in the hope of that they can be approved by the central government。 (被動表達)

The local government has submitted the new regulations in the hope that the central government can approve them。 (主動表達)


1。 當行動執行者顯而易見而不需要說明時,如:All students are encouraged to raise their hands。

2。 當你希望讀者關注某項行動的被執行人(或接受者)時,如:One of the most famous celebrities in China has been interviewed by the media in the press conference。

3。 當你想把最精彩的部分放在句尾時,如:After the APEC the President was interviewed by a journalist of a famous college。

4。 如果你不想談及誰該擔責的時候,如:In our country the right of the poor usually is neglected。


簡單講,就是多用同一個意思的動詞形式,少用名詞形式,如:’by the introduction of’不如直接用’by introducing’; ‘submit an application for’不如直接用’apple for’; ‘carry out an investigation’不如直接用’investigate’; 還是舉一個簡單的例子;

The two parties came to an agreement that a survey should be carried out by the consultancy companies on the feasibility of the new rules;(修改前);

The two parties agreed that a consultancy company should carry out a survey on the feasibility of the new rules。(修改後)


英語是比較直接的語言。太多抽象的描述會讓讀者被太多廢話繞暈。簡單說,如果同時可以選擇一個抽象的單詞和一個具象的單詞來描述一件事,一定選擇具象的單詞。這會使你傳達給讀者的資訊直接明確。比如:用objective不如用goal; 用time limit不如用deadline; 用emphasis不如用highlight,
