




actions speak louder than words

行動勝於言辭; 事實勝於雄辯

如: I know we don’t speak the same language, but you know what they say: actions speak louder than words! 我知道我們的觀點不同,不過你知道常言道: 行動勝於言辭!


add fuel to the fire/flames


如: She was already furious and his apologies and excuses only added to the flames。 她本來就怒不可遏,他的道歉和解釋只能是火上澆油。


in the air


如: Spring is in the air。 春意盎然。

There was a strong feeling of excitement in the air。 四處激情澎湃。

(up) in the air


如: I’m hoping to take a holiday this month but my plans are still very much up in the air。 我希望這個月去度假,可是我的計劃尚未確定。

At the end of the meeting, the matter was left in the air。 到會議結束的時候,這個問題仍懸而未決。


the apple of one’s eye

心肝寶貝; 掌上明珠

如: The second child, John, was the apple of his mother’s eye。 老二約翰是他媽媽的心肝寶貝。


(be/hang) in the balance

(是好是壞)尚未決定; 懸而未決; 不能確定

如: With the election results due to be announced this afternoon, the future of the party still hangs very much in the balance。 按計劃今天下午宣佈選舉結果,所以該黨的未來仍然懸而未決。


a bird in the hand in worth two in the bush

一鳥在手勝過二鳥在林; 奢求不如實得


burn the candle at both ends

過度勞累; (尤指因起早貪黑)疲憊不堪

如: You look exhausted。 Been burning the candle at both ends, have you? 你看起來筋疲力盡,是不是起早貪黑的?


get/have butterflies (in one’s stomach)


如: I always get butterflies (in my stomach) before an interview。 面試前我總是心裡直打鼓。


around/round the clock

日夜不停; 夜以繼日

如: The police watched the house round the clock but no one went in or came out。 警察夜以繼日地監視這所房子,可是沒有人進出。

Her mother needs round-the-clock care and attention。 她的母親需要一天24小時的看護。


it’s no good/use crying over spilt milk

牛奶潑了,哭也無益; 作無益的後悔; 已成定局的事後悔也於事無補

如: His decision to resign was disappointing, but it’s no use crying over spilt milk。 We need to concentrate on finding someone to replace him。 他辭職的決定令人失望,傷心也無用,我們需把精力放到尋找接替他的人身上。


every dog has his/its day


如: They say every dog has its day, and mine is on Wednesday, when I will be interviewed for a television programme! 人們說人人皆有得意日,我的得意日是在週三,那天我就要接受電視採訪了!


in your dreams

妄想; 白日做夢

如: —I’ll be a manager before I’m 30。 我要在30歲前當經理。

—In your dreams。 你做夢吧。


the early bird catches the worm

捷足先登; 早到早得


be all ears

洗耳恭聽; 全神貫注地聽

如: Go on, tell me what happened—I’m all ears。 快點,告訴我發生了什麼事——我很想知道。


put all your eggs into one basket


如: It may be better to invest a small amount of money on several businesses rather than putting all your eggs into one basket。 與其孤注一擲,不如在幾個生意上都投一點錢。


like father, like son


如: Young Jim is turning out to be as hard-working as his dad—like father, like son。 小吉姆跟他爸爸一樣勤快——真是有其父必有其子。


the grass is (always) greener on the other side (of the fence)

草是(籬笆)那邊的綠; 在別的地方(或幹別的工作)會更好些; 這山望著那山高

如: She says she would be able to do business better in France, but the grass is always greener on the other side! 她說如果在法國的話她的生意會更好,草總是那邊的綠嘛!


many hands make light work



(one’s) heart and soul

滿腔熱忱; 全心全意

如: She puts her heart and soul into the job。 她全心全意地投入到這份工作中去。

A dancer must throw herself heart and soul into every performance。 舞蹈演員對每一場演出都必須盡心盡力。


one’s heart is in one’s mouth

心都跳到嗓子眼裡了; 嚇得要命; 非常緊張

如: My heart is in my mouth as I waited to hear whether the jury would find me guilty or not guilty。 等候陪審團宣佈我有罪還是無罪時,我心都跳到嗓子眼裡了。


kill two birds with one stone

一石二鳥; 一箭雙鵰; 一舉兩得

如: If we have to go to Manchester for the meeting, then let’s visit Joan on the way there。 We can kill two birds with one stone。 如果我們要去曼徹斯特開會,可以順路去看看瓊,這樣就一舉兩得了。


he who laughs last laughs longest

誰笑到最後,誰笑得最好; 別高興得太早

如: You think just because you’ve won this game, that means you’re the best player。 Well, wait until the championship。 Remember, he who laughs last laughs longest。 你以為贏了這場比賽,就天下無敵了。好吧,到錦標賽的時候再走著瞧。記住,誰笑到最後,誰笑得最好。


a miss is as good as a mile

毫末之錯仍為錯; 功敗垂成終是敗; 小錯大錯都是錯

如: What’s the difference between failing an exam with 35% or 10%? Absolutely nothing: a miss is as good as a mile。 差35分不及格和差10分不及格有什麼區別嗎?根本沒有區別,差一點兒也是不及格。


be all mouth

只說不做; 只是嘴上發發狠而已

如: Don’t be scared of her。 She won’t hurt you—she’s all mouth。 不用怕她,她不會對你怎麼樣,她只是說說而已。


no news is good news

沒有訊息就是好訊息; 不聞凶訊便是吉

如: He’s been in the mountains for a week without contacting us。 I just hope no news is good news。 他在山裡已經有一個星期沒跟我們聯絡了,現在我只希望沒有訊息就是好訊息。


once bitten, twice shy

一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井繩; 一次被咬,下次膽小

如: —Will she marry again, do you think? 你覺得她還會再結婚嗎?

—I doubt it—once bitten, twice shy。 恐怕不會了吧,一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井繩。


once in a blue moon

千載難逢; 極難得; 破天荒地

如: Sue’s daughter only visits her once in a blue moon。 蘇的女兒很少來看她。


it never rains but it pours

不雨則已,一雨傾盆; 禍不單行

如: It never rains but it pours! First I found that the car had been stolen and then I lost the keys to my flat。 真是壞事成雙,我先是發現車被偷了,然後又丟了公寓的鑰匙。


you reap what you sow

種瓜得瓜, 種豆得豆; 承受惡果; 自食其果

如: He’s so mean! When I went to him for some sympathy and understanding, all he said was “you reap what you sow”! 他太刻薄了!我去找他,希望他能同情我,理解我,結果他說: “你這是自食其果! ”


in the red

有赤字; 欠債; 虧空

如: At this time of year we are usually in the red。 每年這個時候我們總是有虧空。


do sth from scratch

白手起家; 從零開始

如: The fire destroyed all the plans。 Now we’ll have to start again from scratch。 大火毀了所有的計劃,現在我們必須從頭再來。


two heads are better than one

人多力量大; 兩個人的智慧總比一個人強


a wet blanket

潑冷水的人; 掃興之人

如: She was such a wet blanket at the party that they never invited her again。 她在那次聚會上掃了大家的興,之後再也沒人邀請她了。


a white elephant


如: That theatre is a real white elephant。 It cost millions to build and nobody ever goes there。 那家劇院真是個累贅,修建時耗資數百萬,卻從來沒有人光顧。