
053 乏燃料的乾式儲存

Dry Storage of Spent Fuel



Dry storage is most often based on the use of spent fuel casks。 As its name implies, dry storage of spent fuel assemblies differs from wet storage by making use of gas or air instead of water as the coolant and metal or concrete instead of water as the radiation barrier。 In dry storage systems, sufficiently cooled spent fuel is not stored underwater, but it is loaded in these casks (or vaults or silos)。 If on-site pool storage capacity is exceeded, it may be desirable to store the spent fuel in modular dry storage facilities, which may be at the reactor site (AR) or at a facility away from the site (AFR)。 Spent fuel is transferred from spent fuel pools to thick metal casks or thinner canisters。 These casks are then drained, filled with inert gas, and sealed。 The thick casks can be placed directly on a concrete pad, while the thinner canisters are placed in concrete casks or vaults to provide radiation shielding。 Many regulators have determined that dry storage of spent fuel at reactor sites is safe for at least 100 years, and generally considers dry storage safer than pool storage。


Initially dry storage were single purpose systems。 They only provided storage without the capability or authorisation for eventual transport off site (without rehandling and reloading the fuel into transport casks)。 Vaults, silos and non-transportable casks are single purpose systems。 Dual purpose casks were developed and they allow storage and transport to and from a storage facility without rehandling of fuel assemblies。 The fuel containers of some storage systems may be used for transport and/or final disposal。 Dry storage managing is less expensive since it provides all safety characteristics, doesn’t need electrical systems (necessary only in vault storage), periodic maintenance and a constant fuel monitoring, increasing the system reliability for longer periods。 Because of their inherent flexibility, cask systems have proved popular with reactor operators。


Dry interim storages are practical and approved in many countries especially that have the “wait and see” philosophy (wait to see new technologies development)。 It must be added, any strategy for managing spent nuclear fuel will be built around combinations of many options, and all strategies must ultimately include permanent geological disposal。









