




The entrepreneurial state survives, even without (or with reduced) ownership, as a fundamental actor in economic development and responds to the two challenges posed to the nation-state by the contemporary political economy:


(1) the need to reidentify the national identities of companies, verifying the consistency of private and collective interests and strategies in a globalized economy, and (2) the need to manage the territorial fragmentation of policy making into a number of overlapping and uncoordinated policy levels (typically, supranational, national, regional, and local)。




Common sense suggests that state ownership is at odds with globalization。 Although state-owned companies have sometimes demonstrated a remarkable ability to manage complex internationalization strategies, their nationalist imprint has been a serious handicap in their participation in the global economy。


Managers have often been among the first to point out the extent to which their domestic structure limited international operations and made them suspect and unwelcome in foreign eyes。


Privatization is a frequent credibility condition for international investors。 Privatization guarantees the absence of an unfavorable public sector within the economy and the commitment of political institutions to respect the basic rules of the market economy。


The process of privatization is also clear evidence of a country‘s openness to international investors, both in terms of proactive, promotional attitudes of government bodies and agencies and in terms of the avoidance of discriminatory behavior or arbitrary means of control of the “golden share” kind。



The state’s ability to disregard the rules of the global economy is severely limited by competition from other countries and regions in attracting investment。 The need to comply with the requirements of international capital is an expression of limited sovereignty characterizing present-day nation-states。


An even more important consequence follows from the decline of state ownership。 This decline furthers the trend toward company “denationalization。” Denationalization does not mean the full loss of national reference of an imaginary “Cosmocorp” (Ball 1967)。

國有經濟比重下降的另一個後果是,進一步加劇了公司“非國籍化”的趨勢。當然,非國籍化並不意味著對一家“超級公司”而言,它屬於哪個國家是毫無意義的事情(Ball 1967)。

Rather, the “who are we?” syndrome shows that it is impossible to define the

nationality of companies within the global economy in terms of the location of headquarters or plants or the nationality of owners or workers (Reich 1991)。 There is no obvious relationship between the company and collective interests in the global economy。

只是說,“我們是誰”綜合症表明,我們不能根據一家公司的總部和工廠在哪裡,或者所有者和工人是誰,來判定這家公司是哪個國家的(Reich 1991)。在經濟全球化背景下,公司與利益相關者之間的聯絡並不明顯。

Privatization implies that nation-states give up those remaining companies that are unambiguously identifiable as national, and underscores the real dilemmas and trauma associated with the “who are we?” syndrome。 This happens especially where privatized companies are located in strategic sectors。


Dependency rhetoric then rehearses the well-known and usually dubious or instrumental mix of economic and security arguments, with the addition of

updated arguments related to the linkage between development and the localization of cumulative, path-dependent learning processes, especially regarding innovation。


State-owned companies can be seen as a stronghold resisting the “hollowing out” of industrial corporations and its negative impact on localized(national) systems of innovation。


Here again a change of analytical perspective is appropriate: “the question is not whether or not the Nation State is compatible with international firms, but what functions the Nation State is likely to continue to perform, in an era of international capital, whether all Nation States will be similarly affected, and how ‘international’ will international institutions be” (Murray 1971, 286)。

在此,我們要換個分析角度:即問題不在於國家與跨國公司是否相容,而是在資本國際化的時代,國家要繼續承擔什麼樣的職能;是不是所有的國家都將受到相同的影響,以及國際組織到底“國際化”到什麼程度?(Murray 1971年,286)。

From this perspective, privatization contributes to shifting the role of the state to that of the provider of “club goods” - public goods whose fruition is limited to a limited number of subjects: “national” companies。



The companies are national only because their strategies are seen as compatible with and functional for the interests of national communities, irrespective of the legal nationality of the companies。


Club goods are by no means irrelevant to global companies。 Some of them are quantitatively significant in terms of the financial resources provided to companies in the form of subsidies or tax breaks。


Some of them are still monopolized by the state, as in the case of domestic and international security, enforceable regulations, and so on。 Some, although in the private domain, are still managed by state bodies with legitimacy and know-how, such as diplomacy, unattainable in the private sector。


Further, the state maintains a pivotal role as the main actor in the strategic positioning of the country‘s economic apparatus in global networks as well as in engineering country-specific competitive advantages,


both in terms of the propensity to innovate (by contributing decisively to the establishment of innovation systems) and in terms of providing a “global platform” to global companies (Lundvall 1993; Porter 1990)

包括打造創新體制,以及為跨國公司提供一個“全球性平臺”(Lundvall 1993; Porter 1990)。

What is crucial is the relationship between the interest of the company in the “goods” provided by the state and the ability of the latter to provide them not only within its own territory but even beyond, through political and economic diplomacy and influence in international or supranational organizations。


In conclusion, privatization pushes the state even further away from the inertia of considering nationally owned companies as the depository of the industrial future of the country and toward dynamic participation in globalization。




Still, ownership is not meaningless。 Nation-states, and increasingly regional and local levels of government, consider it an appropriate lever for guaranteeing benefits from economic activities。


Ownership, then, does not so much reflect the desire for absolute control and the subjection of company decisions to political imperatives as it allows formal participation in the decision-making processes of companies。


As shareholders, governments feel better able to receive and convey reliable information。 When necessary, they can “vote” for strategies that are consistent with Ideal development policies; alternatively, they can use veto powers to prevent or slow down strategies that involve delocalization of plants, decreased R&D activities, decreased local content of manufactured goods, and so on。


The German Lander have always combined direct and indirect ownership with political aims。 This case shows the need for the addition of a multilevel dimension to the privatization process。


This attitude has clear historical roots: state ownership in nineteenth and twentieth century Germany was an expression of the defense of other German states’ remaining sovereignty in the face of Prussian dominance。


The Lander have interfered in the privatization policies of the federal government, especially in the identification of the new ownership structure, or have themselves strengthened regional champions by selling their own assets。


Lander representatives, often top-level representatives (such as the Ministerprdsidenten), regularly appear as major players in the corporate governance of major German companies。


Their role is most important when changes in companies threaten to affect industrial activities within Lander territories。 A good example is provided by the Daimler Benz-Messerschmitt Boelkow Blohm (MBB) merger in 1989。


The city states of Hamburg and Bremen, which were both shareholders in MBB, led what the press described as a “revolt” of the northern Lander (Hamburg, Bremen, Niedersachsen, and Schleswig-Holstein) against the merger。

漢堡州和不萊梅州是MBB的兩大股東,它們帶頭髮起了所謂的北方各州的“叛亂”,反對合並事宜。北方各州包括漢堡、不萊梅、Niedersachsen, and Schleswig-Holstein。

Thanks to their veto power, they managed to postpone the merger for several weeks, and eventually obtained assurances that the operation would not involve the much-feared relocation southward of some of the most important military and aerospace industry plants and research centers, such as those at Bayern and Baden- Wurttemberg。


Multilevel state ownership implies that different sensitivities toward privatization coexist within the same country。 The difference in the level of government (and thus sensitivity to the territorial consequences of industrial adjustments) is nearly always a more powerful variable than government ideology。


Adding levels of government increases the likelihood of different sensitivities。 In the new eastern Lander of Germany at an earlier stage privatization policies were formulated in a vacuum, as the newly established regional governments were an absolute, scarcely rooted novelty。


Later on, the strengthening of the new political bodies, which faced the territorial costs of structural adjustment, led to a more diversified range of privatization procedures, allowing for some kinds of direct support by the Lander to potentially competitive companies (Seibel 1994)。

後來,新政府機構的力量不斷加強,導致了更加多樣化的私有化程式,一些潛在競爭力強的公司得到地方政府的直接支援(Seibel 1994)。

Decentralization processes seem to provide an irresistible temptation to regional governments to opt for the direct ownership of strategic ventures, even when central governments are engaged in privatization。


A good example is provided by the case of Spain。 In 1996 the Autonomias held shares in 298 companies, including the industrial holding of the Catalan government, Eplicsa (established 1985); the telecommunications company of the Basque country, Euskaltel; and the Instituto de Fomento de Andalucia。


Moving to subnational levels of government does not imply merely lower-level duplication of traditional patterns of state ownership。 In most industrially advanced and less advanced countries, a plurality of semipublic, quasi-nongovernmental entities bears witness to the effectiveness of state ownership as a way of supporting the state as entrepreneur。


These entities range from regional development agencies to semipublic organizations providing services to companies (Bianchi and Bellini 1991; Halkier, Danson, and Damborg 1998)。 They introduce new actors whose function is to guide or support the evolution of the industrial apparatus through the provision of innovative (and mostly intangible) assets。

這些實體機構,包括區域性政府部門和半官方組織,都向公司提供相關服務 (Bianchi and Bellini 1991; Halkier, Danson, and Damborg 1998)。它們引入了新的行動者,透過提供創新資本,指導和支援產業的發展。

In most cases these new actors are designed and organized as companies, partly out of respect for the neoliberal stereotype and partly out of a genuine search for policy market conformity。 Managerial attitudes are required of their governing bodies, which are rewarded or punished on the basis of performance。


The markets provide the final assessment of their work by occasional formal reference to self-financing ratios, although this assessment is somewhat inefficient because of the nature of their products。 The option to privatize is open as soon as their mission is completed and the services they provide can be sufficiently produced and efficiently sold through market mechanisms。


Once again, the state enters the field to share the risks of “cautious, sagacious capitalists, both citizens and foreigners”: ownership is just one of the means the state has of serving an essential and historically lasting function in economic development。










